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Many use Idebenone 300 mg. as a treatment for Friedreich's ataxia or a treatment for Leber's and have great results

Idebenone is a man made substance derived from COQ10, which is an antioxidant that has an essential role in the mitochondria's ATP production. It has been studied for the treatment of Lebers hereditary optic as well as Alzheimer's disease


  Idebenone is thought to boost brain cells by carrying electrons through the electron transport chain and helps with energy production . 

Many people with diseases that stem from mitochondria dysfunction, such as Friedreich's can benefit from added energy, stamina and reduced ataxia.   Patients suffering with Friedreich's ataxia have very low energy supply due to being deficient in the mitochondria protein (frataxin) as well as cell damage. 

It is thought that Idebenone restores mitochondria function and reduces oxidation damage.  Also it absorbs into the blood easily and increases nerve growth factor, improving cognitive function. The best part is that it also reduces cardiomyopathy and restores heart health.


* These statements have not been evaluated by the food and drug administration.  Idebenone is not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any disease.

Boat Trip

Buy Idebenone
500mg and 300mg available
increases ATP production

Physical Therapy Session
Wheelchair Athlete
Disabled Athletes Playing Basketball
Natural Medicine

Studies show Idebenone can increase energy production as well as fractin production at the mitochondria level.  People experienced increased energy, eye sight restoration, better heart function and brain function. 


Health | Fa Mommy Idebenone Distributer


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PHONE 916-494-8557





Family owned and operated.

Diane and Lauri

UCDavis doctors recommended Lauri take 500mg of Idebenone twice a day to help treat her Friedreich's Ataxia.  I used to buy it from the internet but found it no longer available.  I had to buy direct from the manufacturer meaning I had to buy bulk amounts.  This resulted in my ability to put it into bottles and capsules and sell off my excess to those who also need it.


UCDavis and UCLA doctors have done many clinical trials and studies and have gotten great results. I expect soon this great product to be approved by the FDA.

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